Ä€io WÄ«ra Retreat Centre
Graham Mead Inner Sense
6-Day Residential Retreat
aPRIL 2024
Graham Mead Inner Sense 6-Day Residential Retreat
Thursday 4th April 4:30pm - Wed 10th April 4:00pm
These retreats are powerfully transformative and rich with experiential practice as you will have 6 full days with very little distraction in which to explore the mind and body in an environment enormously conducive to such a process. People who have attended this retreat (some many times), have found it to be particularly valuable due to the sustained, deep attention that develops over the course of the 6 days as well as the close connection formed with fellow attendees. This allows ample time and safe space to process psychological and physical challenges and to experience clarity and gain momentum along their inner journey.
We delve into various aspects of inner work, the relationship to the body-mind and our contextual experience by using words, movement, breath work, sensing exercises with a partner and sustained attention practices. An enriching and expansive experience with opportunity to question, confront and explore principles and practicalities of living without the encumbrance of fear (thought).
A discovery of this nature can at times be challenging and both mentally and physically quite confronting. If you commit to staying and bring a little courage, this retreat is bound to pay long term dividends. You do not need prior experience to join.
Who attends these retreats?
People who are serious about changing their life, taking charge of their mind and developing it constructively.
People experiencing a recurrent/recalcitrant habit pattern, addiction or challenge in their life, physically, emotionally or psychologically.
People who need constructive time-out from their familiar environment or are simply fed-up with their habitual nature and want to do something useful for themselves.
People who are looking for a way to start an inner journey and realise there is some inertia to overcome.
Therapists/people in the helping profession who need self-care and a safe space for their own introspective discovery.
What happens on a retreat?
Daily meditation skills practices, breath-work sessions and qi gong.
Inspiring talks by Graham including question-answer sessions.
Interactive practices with other participants and discovery of dormant inner sense and intuitive abilities.
Developing a daily self-care practice most suitable to you.
Meet like-minded people with a shared intention.
Spontaneous healing of longstanding issues may occur.
An opportunity to experience being totally silent for a few days (course schedule and instruction continues)
Time to reconnect with nature through the intimacy of Aio Wira retreat centre in the Waitakere ranges.
Time for both solitude and community connection.
Arising insight into the nature of one’s experience.
Forest walks, river swims and a spa pool.
Cost: $2350 includes course fee, accommodation and all meals.
Venue: Aio Wira Retreat Centre
Starts 4:30pm on first day till 4:00 pm on last day
Anyone interested in attending or for further information, please contact Mandy at office@grahammead.com.
A non-refundable deposit of $200 is payable upon registration.