Ä€io WÄ«ra Retreat Centre
Presence and Compassion
Friday 19th March at 6pm – Sunday 21st March at 2:00pm
Weekend Mindfulness Retreat
Joseph Campbell
“You must have a place in your house or in your mind
Or a moment in your day where you can go
Where you do not know what you owe anyone
Or what anyone owes you;
And you do not know who you are married to,
And you do not know who your children are,
And you do not know what your career is,
And you go there, not to leave any of these responsibilities behind,
But to go to a place of firsthand remembrance,
Where you get back to in conversation with yourself
And have a real relationship with yourself”.
Mindfulness is a way of being that supports us to meet ourselves (and others) with acceptance, care and compassion. It can assist us to develop an unconditional friendship with self and live more authentically. Cultivation of awareness through mindfulness practice helps us create a new relationship with our internal experience, thoughts, memories, feelings and bodily sensations as well as external events and stressors. It increases our freedom of choice and enables us to respond instead of automatically and habitually react, particularly to situations that we find challenging. The practice of present moment awareness enhances the regulation of our emotions, reduces stress and anxiety, increases resilience and has profound implications to our emotional well-being and physical health, as supported by over 40 years of empirical evidence.
This silent retreat will include periods of sitting meditation, walking meditation, mindful movement, cultivation of presence and compassion to self and others, rest and restoration as well as connection with nature and nourishment of healthy food. Whilst many of the practices will be held as part of group sessions, the participants will have opportunity to tune in to their own pace and needed space during the retreat.
This weekend retreat can support experienced meditators to deepen their mindfulness practice and enable people new to mindfulness to get first-hand experience of the practice.
This retreat will be facilitated by Nadav Avny, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Co-Director of the Mindfulness Training Institute: Australia & New Zealand (MTI)
For further information and registration: https://www.mindfulnessauckland.co.nz
Aio Wira Retreat, Waitakere, Auckland www.aiowira.org.nz